Friday, October 29, 2010

Nothing is permanent except change!

When Heraclitus said, “Nothing is permanent except change”, what did he actually mean? Is change natural or driven? Well, let us try to gaze few changes which the present generation has seen and analyze what exactly is change.

Changes have taken place, from the Nile changing its shape every often to the world economic scenario. From a writer writing his piece of literature in a piece of paper to a technology geek pressing backspace quite often to complete his sentence, change has taken place. Gone are the times when there was a huge rush in front of the railway ticket booking centre, your e-ticket is one click away from you. Gone are the days when kids used to get up early to play, coz kids sleep late because they play in their PSs. Gone are the days when the common janta used to criticize and praise their government, coz, we don’t care these days who the government is.

In the early 2008 who would have thought that the world would see the next big thing. Who would have thought that the role model of many Indians would be behind bars for a multi-million dollar scam? Who would have thought that the very likes of global financial giants like Lehman Bros, AIG, GS would be in big financial troubles? Who would have thought that the world were-in terrorism was always in the last page of the agenda would become a very important aspect of their respective countries fiscal budget.

Well, the answer is change! Change is the only catalyst towards development. Prima facie, change these days is more people driven than natural. From the companies going gaga over cloud computing to the next generations applications, surely change is more people driven. For me, if change is for the betterment of the universe, then be it be natural or driven, I am happy.

Some ancient phrases still remain graphite solid.

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